Year End Giving

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Your Support Makes a Lasting Impact in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

As we approach the year’s end, we invite you to be a driving force behind our mission to safeguard the natural and cultural treasures of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Your support fuels initiatives that protect, preserve, and provide access to these invaluable resources.

When you give to Sequoia Parks Conservancy, you help us achieve a wide range of goals in the parks, such as supporting sequoia conservation, enhancing accessibility, funding education programs, conducting scientific research, monitoring wildlife, and ensuring visitor safety. Your generosity impacts the parks in tangible ways. When we work together, we succeed in preserving and protecting the parks we love.

Who We Are

Sequoia Parks Conservancy champions the work of the National Park Service.

Sequoia Parks Conservancy is the official nonprofit partner of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park with the primary goal of connecting the public to the intellectual, physical, and emotional aspects of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks through education and philanthropy. Funds raised support projects and programs that protect, preserve, and provide access to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.

In addition to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Sequoia Parks Conservancy is the nonprofit partner of USACE and Lake Kaweah. Lake Kaweah is used for agricultural irrigation, supporting one of the most productive agriculture regions in the United States, the Central Valley of California.

Other Ways to Donate

Discover various avenues to contribute and support our initiatives that protect, preserve, and provide access to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks by visiting Other Ways to Donate. Explore options such as employer matching programs, planned giving, or becoming a sustaining member to ensure your commitment to the parks extends in a way that aligns with your preferences and resources. Regardless of the method, every contribution plays a vital role in our mission to safeguard the natural and cultural treasures of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.